It Might Be The Rosé Talking
So – it might be just the rosé talking but we’re about to get super deep and declare how truthful we’ve been lately.
This round is on Marco Noe with the support of Travis Hato, Michael Duncan, Justin Bourn, Matt Hanham and Conrad “Swaggy C” Francis. The Simple Minds Podcast unravels topics such as personal development, philosophy, life, and business - one drink at a time.
Episode Topics:
- When have you done someone a disservice by not sharing the whole truth?
- Daily Stoic article ‘12 Rules for (a stoic) life’ and what rule we live our lives by
- What does honesty mean to you?
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If it’s not true then it’s a f*cking lie - [6:15]
Have you ever done someone a disservice by not sharing the whole truth? Matt runs a media agency specialising in creative content and marketing. He gets requests from friends, family, and acquaintances for feedback on their work. He finds himself never sharing the whole truth.
“I’m not lying, not misleading. But what I’m doing is not going to the heart of what I fully believe”
– Matt
It’s a choice to withhold the truth. The greats don’t separate business and personal, they speak about life. So there shouldn’t be any filter on professionalism. Be on the journey with people and clients.
Conrad challenges the group – [10:08]
“Wear one hat when we address this question - [...] we’re all one person. Let's be people and speak from the heart about everything”
- Conrad
What rule do you live by? – [33:36]
Michael gets a lil’ topical with Jordan Peterson’s latest book ‘12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos’. The book has sparked online debate about how we live our lives. The Daily Stoic created their own list in the article ‘12 Rules for (a Stoic) Life’. The article got the group thinking about what rule they’d add to the list.
“Try to hold as few opinions as possible” sticks with Matt and sparks debate about the unnecessary noise in the world right now. With all the noise we put out there, do we actually understand any of it? Or are we using it as a gateway to get away with saying whatever we want? If you want to have more meaningful interactions, you need to put what others are saying through a filter.
“There is so much rhetoric around, this is the problem. We find ourselves spouting so much bullsh*t because someone else has said it. WHAT DOES IT F*CKING MEAN?”
- Conrad
What does honesty mean to you? - [51:18]
Matt asks the group what honesty means to them. Sometimes you need to fool yourself into being a certain way and doing different things just to push yourself. But does this mean you’re being dishonest with yourself?
Jason King of Jay K Consulting in our audience today. He shared his views on honesty with the group.
Jason opens up about his journey with honesty. He’s battled trying to be the person who he is vs the person he thinks he’d like to be. Now comfortable with who he is, he notices how many people around him aren’t being authentic to themselves.
“Opening the door to potentially who you are, that’s the tough part and that’s what people avoid”
– Jason
[55:18] Jason talks about his 10-day meditation retreat and the struggle of returning back to reality from it. On the retreat there is no speaking, communicating or looking at another person. He struggled coming out of the experience and to practice what he taught. It’s so easy to return to your default. We are dishonest with ourselves to protect ourselves. Jason is trying to bring more of his honest practice into his everyday life.
“If we are doing what we’re doing, thinking what we’re thinking, being who we’re being. Why are we not honestly being that. Because that is who we are”
– Matt
“It’s good Rosé everybody”
- Marco
annnnd - that pretty much sums up this episode.
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